

College final year exams would be held for sure after lockdown. In case they could not be held in July, fresh college exam dates would be released soon – HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal announced.

HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal interacted LIVE today with 45,000 higher education institutions via Twitter and answered questions from many college teachers and professors. One of the main announcements that he made was that college final exams would be held for sure across India.

He said the college final year exams would be held in July with all the social distancing and safety measures in place.

He clarified that this was just for the final year college students and not first and second-year students and added that first year and second-year college students do not need to appear for college exams.

However, the HRD Minister added that in case the Covid-19 situation did not improve in July and college exams could not be held at the time. The announcement for fresh college exam dates will be made.

The HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal has interacted with students, teachers, and parents LIVE on Twitter several times during the lockdown to answer their queries and make significant announcements.

How will college exams be held in such a pandemic?
The HRD Minister reminded all that both UGC and NCERT had formed task forces to create new academic calendars because of the Covid-19 lockdown and most importantly, come up with safety guidelines so schools and colleges could be opened without compromising on the safety of teachers and students.

Colleges would follow the guidelines while they carry out the final year exams. In case the coronavirus situation is still dire, fresh exam dates would be announced, and the exams would not be held in July.

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